Thursday 18 February 2016

How Marketers Can Meet the Demands of a Mobile First World

According to the Ericsson Mobility Report there are 2.6 billion smartphone subscriptions globally, and by 2020, globally there will be 6.1 smartphone users led by huge growth in less mature market. Moreover, it is predicted that regions like Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Africa will account for 80 percent of all new subscriptions in the next five years, continuing on with the trend that it is already tracking. 

It’s not enough to say mobile is big; it’s simply changed human behavior. Today, we live in a world of “micro-moments.” You expect your mobile devices to do pretty much everything for you whenever and wherever you are. This is what is known as the mobile mindshift – it’s the expectation you can get what you want anytime, anywhere, in the immediate context and moments of need. In order to meet the skyrocketing expectations of digitally-empowered customers, marketers must adopt and embrace digital technologies. 

To optimize digital marketing activities and successfully meet the demands of today’s mobile-first customers globally, marketers need to be able to quickly and easily embrace data, technology and content via the following methods: 

  • Build a 360-degree audience profile to account for full spectrum of customer behaviors and data. In order to understand a user’s movement across devices and environments, marketers need a data management platform that stitches together actionable audience profiles to enhance targeting and increase conversions.
  • Utilize tools that allow for greater control of customer engagement. Marketers need a platform that will allow them to be nimble and move forward with driving business leads and building personalized customer experiences with speed and scale without the constant cycle of churning with the development team. Deliver mobile campaigns (SMS & MMS, Push, In-App, Rich Push) with easy-to-use tools that don’t require technical assistance.
  • Integrate mobile as part of an orchestrated cross-channel marketing strategy. By leveraging integrated customer data and consumer insights from your other marketing channels as email, web, display, social, and offline channels, marketers can have a better understanding of context and thus deliver more coordinated and personalized customer experiences.

Join us at Mobile World Congress to hear about how the Oracle Marketing Cloud powers the mobile experience for global brands. Stop by our Oracle Marketing Cloud booth, Fira Grand Via, Hall 3, #3B20 .

For more insights and help into using mobile marketing to its fullest advantage, download the Modern Marketing Essentials Guide to Mobile Marketing

from Oracle Blogs | Oracle Marketing Cloud

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