Thursday 27 October 2016

How AI Will Be A Game Changer In Mobile Marketing

Merriam-Webster's two part definition of Artificial Intelligence or AI is "an area of computer science that deals with giving machines the ability to seem like they have human intelligence; the power of a machine to copy intelligent human behavior."

Make no mistake about it, AI is very much the "in term" around the marketing water coolers. And as such there is no shortage of pieces being written espousing the benefits of AI on the world of marketing. 

Earlier this month Google unveiled Google Assistant, that was described as being most exciting new product announcement since the iPhone in 2007. According to Geek Time "It is an AI personal assistant that chats with you and can assist you with many tasks. You can chat or talk to the Assistant and it can bring you relevant information, send messages, book events, save reminders, change the lights, play content on your TV and many other actions. Google is working hard to bring more functionality to its Assistant, so you can expect its capabilities to improve over time."

Yes this means that if Google is shifting from a mobile-centric world to an AI-centric world, we all need to pay attention.

Impact and Improve

At Target Marketing, they've identified three ways AI will impact and improve marketing while asking thought-provoking questions around each. 

  1. Automation. As automation removes menial tasks, how can marketers use their newfound time wisely to consider what customers want and how to deliver it?
  2. Connection. How can new connections with customers lead to unforeseen connections between businesses? 
  3. Context. If contextual marketing reaches customers precisely where they are, but they don’t take action, what went wrong?

These are all very important questions to consider as we enter into this new "era" as Target Market refers to it, adding, "AI will help marketers automate campaigns, create new and stronger connections with customers, and ultimately lead to a hyper-personalized, delightful experience."

Going Mobile

I am not about to trot out the latest research on the use of mobile devices. By now you all know the usual stats suspects. Or do you?

Research from eMarketer shows that while mobile phones account for 30% of all retail traffic, they only account for 11% of revenue, this as per a piece on Internet Retailer which says "AI is uniquely able to provide a text-free shopping journey, one that transforms mobile shopping from a clunky, faux-browser experience to a wordless visual conversation."

The writer of the piece, Andy Narayanan does a great job at laying one scenario in which AI will play a huge role in mobile marketing. Instead of me trying to explain it, here's what Andy wrote:

"Instead of going through the typical search experience, all you'd need to do is tap on images of products you like. The AI looks at the images themselves and surfaces similar options based on image alone. Smart AIs understand product facets we typically search for, like color and brand, as well as subtler, more difficult-to-describe characteristics, like fringe, unique patterns and logo placement. Instead of re-searching or clicking tiny text boxes, you'd just tap the next image you're interested in. Each tap successively trains the AI to understand what you want, right then, whether it's red shoes or a plaid hat."

You can see by just this one example the incredibly powerful and impactful benefit AI can deliver to a brand in a mobile environment. Remember, this all comes back to personalization: true personalization. Since the data collected will be about you as an individual, the experience the brand delivers can be and should be personal. 

I highly recommend reading the full post on Internet Retailer.

Makes senses, yes?

Test, Test and Test

Like anything else AI needs to be incorporated slowly and it absolutely needs to be tested. 

Download the Mobile Testing Guide For Modern Marketers for the best advice from analysts, engineers, and thought leaders on how to help mobile-minded businesses master the non-desktop landscape.

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