Wednesday 18 January 2017

Why You Need Sustainable Motivation (Register ASAP!)

Why You Need Sustainable Motivation (Register ASAP!)

When you’re working on business or personal projects for yourself it is so easy to become un-focused, to lose energy, to lose motivation.

Which, of course, makes working on that project a nightmare.

  • you run out of energy
  • you lose focus
  • you get distracted easily
  • it takes so much effort to make the smallest progress

So, if you want to make progress on your projects, if you want to make consistent headway on your goals…

… you have got to learn how to develop sustainable motivation.

Sustainable Motivation

Sustainable motivation doesn’t come and go.

It doesn’t make you high on clarity one week and leave you bogged down in the details the next.

Sustainable motivation is not overzealous and does not lead to burnout.

Sustainable motivation is, by definition, sustainable!

And this is what you need if you ever get stuck in the feast/famine motivation cycle.

What you really want

Because what you really want is not just to work hard, but to enjoy it.

What you really want is to enjoy every moment of your work.

What you really want is to be energized by your work.

But so many of us feel completely the opposite — we get drained by our work.

Your business or personal project can be a JOB, or they can be a BLAST.

This is why you need sustainable motivation, because you want to enjoy your work.

(I mean, you DO want to enjoy your work, right? I ask because some of us forgot that about ourselves — it’s easy to forget that our work, our projects, can be a SOURCE of energy for us (instead of a total drain.)

That’s why you need to register for this webinar

You want to enjoy your work, you want it to energize you, you want to have SUSTAINABLE motivation that doesn’t leave you high and dry when you need it most…

That’s why you simply have to join us on a live webinar happening next Wednesday, January 25th at 10:30am PST.

(By the way, even if you can’t make it at that time REGISTER STILL, because we’ll send you a recording of the webinar if you register below. )

First and foremost, please click here to register right now and reserve your spot.

If you register there we’ll be able to send you notifications and instructions to join live.

What you’ll get out of it

Listen, at Fizzle we see thousands of hopeful entrepreneurs lose steam every year.

  • they want to make progress on their goals
  • they want to feel confident about their projects
  • they want to stay on track even when life gets busy
  • they WANT to do something they LOVE with their time and energy

But eventually… they wake up one day and realize they haven’t worked on that big idea in 6 months. They’re still working their job, they’re no closer to their goals than when they started. Shit.

We see it all the time, and it’s been a big part of my story personally.

Chase Reeves will be one of the presenters

Chase Reeves will be one of the presenters

I was the ultimate creative spazz guy. A million ideas, all of them amazing… none of them accomplished.

But the past 4 years working with Corbett Barr (and past 11 years married to my wife!) have been like an expensive immersion school bootcamp for getting stuff done.

(I’ve had to learn A LOT.)

And what I’ve learned is that there are these really simple, practical, tangible things I can do to be sustainably motivated.

So, in this webinar myself and Steph Crowder are going to share the #1 tool in our productivity: the daily planner.

{record scratch}

WAIT A SECOND! You probably just went, “Ugh, seriously? Never mind.”

Be honest, you kinda did, right? I mean, a daily planner? WTF?

I get it. I felt the same way for, like, years. But then I learned literally a few simple, tangible things and, I’m telling you, something shifted… now this is absolutely the reason why I’m CRUSHING projects right now.

It’s true. I hate that “crushing” language… but it’s true, I am fk’n crushing this stuff, you guys.

So, in this live webinar we’re going to share:

  1. Why we run out of motivation, why the tank always dries out
  2. Exactly how to create your own practice for daily sustainable motivation

You guys, we have literally NOTHING to sell you in this :) I’m serious. There will be no pitch, no nothing but sharing exactly why and how to do this.

And you won’t have to buy anything from anyone to do this. (I use a Bic pen and a blank notebook I had lying around.)

We’re really just fired up to get you crushing your projects, making decisions you feel great about, and ultimately getting more energized by your work instead of drained.

(I really do hate that “crushing” language… but something about it just works when it comes to projects.)

So, even if you can’t make it live, register below and we’ll be able to send you the recorded video of it…

… because this simple, tangible thing will change how you work… if you let it.

Ok, here’s the link to register again, really hope to see you there so you can participate in the Q&A:

Click here to register for the webinar »

from Fizzle

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